Sunday 23 September 2007

Got some dyeing done

Finally, I managed to spin the dyed sliver and finished up with about 150m of variable thickness singles. Then I realised that the undyed singles were a lot thicker (75m, oops) than the coloured ones, so I spun some more and this time I got 170m. It seems that it is harder to spin consistently when making uneven yarn than it is when spinning fine singles. I may dye the thicker skein in a different colourway and make a hat.

Here are the two dyed skeins side by side, drying after all the fun this afternoon. I managed to get similar shades, but obviously the colour distribution is very different. I can't wait to get knitting with this.

This book arrived a few days ago, I think it will be good for ideas. I need to have a reading session instead of flicking through which is all I've done so far.

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