Wednesday 12 September 2007

Another bobbin

Three ply here I come! When I got my wheel ( a Louet S10), it came with three bobbins, which is fine if all you want to spin is 2 ply. So I found a source of new ones, placed an order for one, and it arrived yesterday. DH has said he will make a bigger lazy kate to fit where the existing one goes, then I will be all set. Typically, the next spinning experiment I want to try is to spin a thicker single ply yarn which I want to knit and then felt or full. I decided after my last spinning session that I really need a cushion for my spinning chair. The idea is to make a cushion cover. At least DH will have plenty of time to make the kate!

The first merino sock is going well, almost to the start of the heel shaping. The colours look a little washed out in this picture, but there's some interesting striping going on. I'm using a 3mm Addi lace needle, they are brilliant for socks as well as lace. Tension is around 7.5st and 10 rows per inch.
The mystery stole is done and awaiting blocking. I've found a place to stretch it out, now all I need is the time.

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