Monday 7 January 2008

Nearly, but not quite right

This is what happens when you start the toe decreases one round too soon on the second sock. With just one round to go, it was obvious that the pale blue section would be much smaller. Having got the heels to match, it would have been silly to leave it, so a-ripping I went. I should be finished later today, hopefully with a toe that I'm happy with.

The facecloth was finished and put to use. The Rowan cotton makes it very soft and it is great for this purpose. I bought a large quantity of odd balls of this stuff a couple of years ago with the intention of knitting a multicoloured sweater. That intention never came to anything, so I see a lot of rather nice facecloths in my future.

I had one fibre related present at Christmas, thanks to my youngest son asking me what I would like. He bought me both these books, bless him. I'm trying to decide which socks to knit next, once I have the offending toe fixed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Sue! I'm always pleased (and secretly vindicated!) when I see another knitter who's absolutely OCD about striping being EXACTLY matched. Bugs the hell outta me when they aren't. (Yep, the female version of Monk, I am. LOL) When I see socks folks knit with self-striping and see that they've made no attempt whatsoever to have 'em match, I wonder "am I nuts or do other people think that they don't match?" Bwahahaha! Glad you frogged, and I'm sure they'll be perfect and gorgeous! :D