Monday 24 March 2008

Happy day

I've been concentrating on getting the Swallowtail shawl finished and I succeeded on Friday, but it has taken until today to get it blocked. I had about 3g of yarn left over, which was a relief considering that I did more repeats of the main pattern (19 instead of 14) than written. I also put beads on more rows than I first planned to. It measures about 54" across and about 27" deep, which is much bigger than I thought it would end up. The before and after blocking pictures could be of a totally different piece of knitting.

The sun came out in between the snow showers while I was taking pics, the pale stripe on the right isn't really there.

A look at the edge, click the pictures for the bigger version. It's still damp, and the colours will brighten up a bit when it's dry I think.


shunklies said...

What a gorgeous Shawl, you must be so proud. I've yet to work any lace but i'm building my courage up!

Willington Weaver said...

That is the most beautiful shawl I have ever seen! Best wishes, Alison