Friday 1 January 2010

Welcome 2010

I spent most of today playing with my new to me loom. I had a 4 shaft Varpapuu table loom for Christmas, and hubby and I have been building a new replacement castle with 8 shafts for it. I had tried it with a very small warp and it was working well, so I've wound a cotton warp for a twill sampler or gamp. Today was the day for getting it threaded and wound on. I had eventual success, although it took a while. I discovered two errors in threading and with the help of a string heddle, all is now well.

In progress...

Ready to go....

The black/multi scarves are off the Kromski which is now folded up and having a rest. One is still waiting for fringe twisting, although the other is now living with my sister in law.

Meg of the blog Unravelling has asked for pictures of looms as they are today. So, these are my two.
The Topsy Turvy moebius is done. It took a couple of evenings to work the I-cord cast off all around, and I'll get a picture once it's been washed and blocked. How do you block a moebius without putting creases in?
I also finished my Round ripple afghan which I began almost 2 years ago.

It ended up about 50" across the points. This is aran weight acrylic/wool blend yarn with a 6mm hook.