Sunday 25 October 2009

Finished objects

I finally got some pictures taken of two projects just completed. The Balletneck sweater from the book 'Crochet that fits' by Mary Jane Hall has turned out well, although I should probably have made the body a bit smaller and the sleeves a bit wider. Still, it fits pretty well overall, and I'm pleased with it.

This is the yoke which I altered from the pattern. As written, it was far too large and wouldn't stay on my shoulders, so I went down a hook size and decreased more drastically. I also worked more rounds to give more depth.

The other fo is a top down raglan cardigan. This is plain stocking stitch (5mm needles) and 2x2 ribbing (4.5mm needles for all ribbing except the sleeve cuffs which used 4mm). The yarn, Jojoland Rhythm, is made up of 4 plies, each one changing colour gradually along the length, so the permutations are nearly endless. I used nearly all of the 10 balls of yarn. Before I began, I wound all the balls on the wool winder just so I could see the colour variations along the length of each one. I spent ages trying to work out the sequence which would produce the least sudden change in colours when changing balls.

I still have to sew on the buttons, but it's blocked and dry, so I'll get them done later.

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